Sunday, June 26, 2011

Going to the Recycling Center!

I'm nervous. Hubs has hijacked me into going to the recycling center. 
Ok, he didn't hijack me, he asked, and I said yes. But I am nervous. 
Metal that we've been collecting. 
Oh, why am I so nervous? 
Because going to the recycling place is like traveling to another country. I feel completely out of my element, and probably look it too. Let's just say it's not in the best part of town, and you meet some interesting characters. However, everyone is always nice, and we've never had any trouble. And when you immerse yourself into the culture you find it's not so scary after all. Just people, trying to get a little extra cash in their pocket, heck, that's why we're there too. 
Still, it always feels like some sort of crazy adventure. 
I hope one day it doesn't feel so weird. That we can remove the stigmas and stereotypes. We're all just people trying to make our way, why make it harder on one another?
Besides, if you are afraid of your recycling center how are you going to recycle? 
And check out these cool things I saw there today.
I totally would have brought these home if I could have!

By the way, we had 100lb of metal today! 
$$ in our pocket, or was, until we went out for breakfast.

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