Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tips for a Simpler Life

Lately I've been trying to be more productive, and just live an all round better life. 
But in an effort to simply my life it started getting complicated. I've started a blog, created a new facebook page, and am creating new pieces for etsy. 
Everyone is always saying they don't have enough time in the day, so I decided to put together some tips, some things I've been learning as I go. 

1. Plan your day
Physically write down your day's schedule and stick to it. Lately I've been trying to do this a week at a time. It reminds me of the planners we got in college, but it helps. You can literally see what you need to do. Obviously things come up and you may have to adjust, or perhaps when things come up you know you will have to say no. 

2. Schedule Down Time
This ties into #1. Don't forget to schedule some down time. I've been trying to cut back on tv time, but sometimes I just need to zone out over my lunch and watch some boob tube. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, er, Celesta a dull girl. 

3. Nix Mindless Activities
Watching tv or getting on the computer is often a mindless activity. It sucks you in. You want to go on for a few minutes and next thing you know you've lost half your day. So while it's ok to zone out once and a while be sure to stick to your schedule! Don't get sucked in! Cutting back on tv time has increased my productivity immensely! New ideas, and time to complete them, it's wonderful. 

4. Organize Your Space
I always feel better in a clean fresh space. It's hard to concentrate when you are surrounded by chaos. If nothing else take some time to organize your desk, or your immediate surroundings. Another mindless activity for me is organizing my area, even when it's not really necessary. So schedule some time and get it done, then get to work (whatever that may be).  

5. Get Up Early
Could be the hardest but best tip of them all. Think about it. There's nothing else to do super early in the morning but to get something done. No one else is awake, there's nothing good on tv, just you and a cup of coffee. I started doing this by accident, apparently my internal clock was a bit off, I would just be wide awake at 5am. Now, instead of trying to go back to sleep I get up and get stuff done. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but I think he's lazy. 

6. Set Goals
This one you have heard over and over again, but it's true. I don't think there's anything more satisfying than reaching a long term goal. Short or long term, setting a goal and writing it down forces you to think about it, and therefore feel the drive to complete it. And if you are scheduling time to do so you are well on your way!

Not to sound like a Lowe's commercial or anything but let's make this the summer of GETTING THINGS DONE! And not feeling like we are always running around too busy to take time for ourselves. At first you may feel like you are working more, but soon you will have less on your plate as you whittle down your to-do list. Leaving you with the truly important things in life. It will lead to a better, healthier, more productive you!!

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