Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sofa Side Table

The other day I decided to make my own side table. What I really needed was somewhere to put my coffee so I didn't have to lean forward every 2 seconds to get it off the actual coffee table. Yes, laziness is the mother of invention! 

It was incredibly easy. 
If you want to make this table you only need three things. 
1. The base. Mine is the bottom half of a bird bath. I got it an a antique sale, although it's not an antique, but it did only cost a couple bucks.

2. Your old Jenga blocks, or generic Jenga blocks, as I have here. I really do like this game, but no one plays with me so I decided to put the little wood blocks to better use. 

3. Super Awesome Glue that will hold anything. E-6000 is great and can be found at any craft store. But now that I think about it, I may have used wood glue....

I rearranged the blocks several times until I had a pattern and size that I liked. I painted each block individually then glued them together. If you want a larger table use more blocks. My table is about a foot across and it only took one tin of blocks or one game. Then, I glued it to my base, and DONE!

I love my little table!

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