As you may or may not know I don't mind doing a little dumpster diving once and a while. I normally don't go jumping into random dumpsters, but if something catches my eye I'll check it out. I think the best stuff is all of the wood I find, like boards, plywood, and the like. I use that stuff for all kinds of things.
Anyway, I don't like to see waste. The things people just throw out! Well, we're all guilty of it, but it doesn't mean we can't change. It's 2011, by now we should have all heard about recycling. It may take a little work but you can recycle pretty much anything, (here's a little secret: sometimes they'll even pay you for your junk). Here's a helpful website: A little sorting goes a long way.
Ok,ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. My point is this: Let's try to change our thinking. First things first - recycle and try to buy used before new: thrift stores, ebay, craigslist, amazon and I'm sure there's more. Ask your friends and family. Can you just burrow what you need, or do you really have to have your very own? Ok, ok, now I'm really done. All of this just to start my
(Trumpets sound!!)
Here it is
What could it be?
I will give you a hint: It's not the ooze that turned 4 baby turtles into ninja warriors.
Give up?
It's a vase! Ya, I know, not super exciting, but I liked it so I took it. It was free and in perfect condition.
Happy Dumpster Diving!
Feel free to email me your finds!
I wanna dive with you sometime? Your CVS dive was a winner too - I'm thinking behind Tuesday Mornings? BTW I like the new blog design!