There is an amazing movement happening here in the United States. The Simplicity Movement or Voluntary Simplicity. Basically it consists of few but major points:
- financial independence
- having/owning/wanting less
- enjoy the simple things in life
Apparently this movement began in the early 80's but is currently seeing a renewal of interest. If you know a little about it you may know of the number of people who have given up nearly all of their possessions and went to live in a cabin in the woods, crazy hippies! If that's what you want to do I say GO FOR IT! However, I am not ready for that. I DO believe that if we all learned to live with a little less we could make this world a better place. Ya, ya, it sounds cliche but it's so true!!
Here's a short article that I think wraps it up nicely:
This week, and it's already Tuesday so it will be a little easier, I want you to give up something. Just give it up for one week and see what happens, see how it feels. Sometimes life's "conveniences" are actually holding us back from experiencing real life.
Need ideas?
- tv, that's an obvious one, how many hours are spent in front of this thing in one week?!
- can't give it up fully....really? maybe you limit yourself then, or stop watching those reality shows and live your own
- computer, another tough one, but do you really need to check your facebook account again? you must be really popular.....
- and yes, I know, if you give up computer time it means you may not be stopping by here, but if it means you are outside playing with your kids, working in your garden, or learning something new I'm all for it!
- your car, instead ride the bus, carpool, or bike
- maybe you just use one car this week if you have multiple
- it takes me almost the same amount of time to bike to work as it does to drive (all the lights and traffic) but biking through the neighborhoods my stress level is down and my exercise level is up!
- plastic bottles of water! really, you are still buying those?
- don't eat out, and remember how fun cooking actually is!
- pack your lunch the night before so you don't feel rushed in the morning
- don't buy anything you don't absolutely need, no new clothes, no electronics, no random crap you inevitably walk out of a store with
- say no! maybe you say "no" to everything and everyone "extra" this week, take on no new commitments, no running here or there, spend the week at home just being, maybe reflect on who you are or what you've become, when's the last time you did that?
- finish something you started but "just never had the time for"
Imagine you're on your death bed. Yes, it's a death bed scenario, just bear with me. You're on your death bed, you begin to relive your life, memories flash through your head and 1 of 2 things will happen.
- You'll smile, remembering all the good times, quality time, you had with family and friends. The things you saw, the people you met, or
- You frown, regretting all the time that should have been spent with family and friends, but instead were wasted on something else.
Feeding Sheep at the Zoo! |
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Like I said, Enjoy the simple things in life, like a farting calendar! |
Let us know what you can live without!
Oh, and before someone tells me I'm all talk I better give up something too! I've decided to give up tv, I haven't turned it on all morning, AND I REALLY WANT TO!! This will be harder than I thought, but looks like it's going to be a nice week weather-wise, so I hope to spend a lot of time outside! Hope to see you there!