Friday, September 23, 2011

New Beginnings

Today is the first day of fall, my favorite season.  Today is also the day I am relaunching my little blog. Summer was hot and crazy.  My poor blog got left on the curb, but it's been found again, much like a lot of the random stuff you will see on here.

I like to see the changing of the seasons as a time to begin again. While nature is going through the process of reinventing itself so shall I.  After all, if we are not changing we are not growing. What good is that?

So, now that the blog is back what can you expect? Well, I don't think much will change. Here's the line up.
Sundays: Dumpster/Curbside finds. This is where I show you cool stuff I've pulled out of other people's trash. Why buy new if you can reuse or repurpose?
Mondays: I hope to share something insightful, or not, about myself.
Wednesdays: Do-it-yourself craft ideas. Step by step instructions for an inexpensive craft or design idea.
Friday: Something Kansas City related as I try to explore the area around me.
Saturday: Do something nice today.  Something nice I plan to do for at least one person that day, feel free to join in!
I think Tuesdays and Thursdays will be off days, but who knows!

My hope is to document the struggles and victories of trying to live a simpler, healthier, greener life, and to have fun while doing it!

Please feel free to leave feedback or ideas in the comments area or shoot me an email @

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