Friday, June 3, 2011

The Great Dilemma

There is a shopping cart next to my dumpster. 
I have always wanted my very own shopping cart. 
No, I don't know why. 
I just always thought it would be cool. 
And there it is. 
But I can't bring it in. 
My mother-in-law is sleeping in my crafting room 
(i.e. our 2nd bedroom). 
My husband thinks I'm nuts. 
What would I do with it anyway. 
Do I really have the space.
I know what I would do with it. 
He can push me all over place! 
I would never walk again.
I could throw myself down hills!
Small ones anyway.
Probably getting to old for that.
They say they're really germy anyway.
And hubs wouldn't push me.
He's always takes the fun out of things.
Well, I guess this will be the one that got away.
But thanks for the opportunity God.

I can't stop thinking about riding around in that thing.
When's the last time I sat in a shopping cart?
What a classic moment - me giggling all the way down a hill, 
let it go Celesta, just let it go.

If only I had the tools for this:

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